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3D Parasolid File Importer, Converter and Translator

Arrow Example of a Hand-Decoded Parasolid XT File (of a sphere from Autodesk Inventor)

On this page we have hand decoded a Parasolid XT file exported from Autodesk Inventor (of a BREP solids sphere object). We could not find any similar decoded example on the Internet and hence chose to provide one ourselves for educational and learning purposes.

The original file listing can be reviewed here and the highly simplified hierarchical listing can be reviewed here.

  • The number in round brackets is the Parasolid entity number (which matches the definition in the schema file).

  • The 'Index' number uniquely identifies each entity node in the file.

  • The numbers in the sub-lists make reference to other entity nodes by way of their unique Index numbers (they are essentially pointers).
APPL=Autodesk Inventor; SCH=SCH_3100154_31001; T51 : TRANSMIT FILE created by modeller version 310015417 SCH_3100154_310010 -->> BODY (12) 1 - Index # 1 = First node of the file 19 2 - attributes_features 3 - list - pointer to 6 ATTRIBUTES 0 0 0 0 0 0 1e3 1e-8 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 - shell 5 - boundary_surface 6 - boundary_curve 7 - boundary_point 0 - boundary_mesh (ptr) 0 - boundary_polyline (ptr) 8 - region 9 - edge 10 - vertex 0 - index_map_offset 0 - index_map 0 - node_id_index_map 0 - schema_embedding_map 0 - child 0 - lowest_node_id 0 - data -->> ATTRIBUTE (81) 1 2 -- Index 19 11 1 12 0 0 0 13 - Pointer to string "Solid1" -->> LIST (70) - a pointer to 5 attributes 3 - Index 0 4 - list_type T - notransmit 1 - owner 0 - next 0 - previous 6 - list_length 20 - block_length 1 - size_of_entry 14 - finger_block (POINTER_LIS_BLOCK) - Pointer to 5 attributes 14 - list_block (POINTER_LIS_BLOCK) -->> SHELL (13) 22 - Index 2 0 - attributes_features 0 - Body 0 - Next 0 - Face 0 - Edge 0 - Vertex 8 - Region 15 - Front face (ptr) -->> SHELL (13) 4 - Index 9 0 - attributes_features 1 - Body 0 - Next 15 - Face 0 - Edge 0 - Vertex 16 - Region 0 - Front face -->> B_SURFACE (124 - BSpline Surface) 5 - Index 13 - CHAR_VALUES 0 - attributes_features 15 - Face 0 0 0 - + - sense 17 - NURBS_SURF (126) 18 - SURFACE_DATA (125) -->> B_CURVE (134 - BSpline Curve) 6 - Index 12 0 - attributes_features 9 - owner 0 - next 0 - previous 0 - geometric_owner + - sense 19 -- pointer to NURBS_CURVE (136) 20 -- pointer to CURVE_DATA (135) -->> XYZ POINT (29) 7 - Index 11 - attributes_features(ptr) 0 - owner 10 - next 21 - previous 0 .0508 999200722162641e-32 1110223024625156e-33 -->> REGION (19) 8 - Index 1 0 - attributes_features 1 - body 16 - next 0 - previous 22 - Shell V - Type 0 - Owner -->> EDGE (16) 9 - Index 5 - edge_box 0 - tolerance ? - edge_box_tightness 23 - HalfEdge 0 - previous 0 - next 6 - Curve 0 - next_on_curve 0 - owner 1 - data (ptr) -->> VERTEX (18) 10 - Index 7 0 - attributes_features 23 - HalfEdge 0 - Previous 24 - Next 7 - Point ? - Tolerance 1 - Owner -->> HALFEDGE (17) 23 -- Index 0 -- attributes_features 25 -- Loop 26 - Forward 26 - Backward 10 - Vertex 26 - Other 9 - Edge 0 - Curve 0 - pBox + -->> VERTEX (18) 24 -- Index 6 0 - attributes_features 26 - HalfEdge 10 - Previous 0 - Next 21 - Point ? - Tolerance 1 - Owner -->> HALFEDGE (17) 26 - Index 0 - attributes_features 25 -- Loop 23 - Forward 23 - Backward 24 - Vertex 23 - Other 9 - Edge 0 - Curve 0 - pBox -29 21 10 0 24 - Vertex 0 7 -.0508 0 0 -->> LOOP (15) 25 - Index 4 0 - attributes_features 23 - HalfEdge 15 - Face 0 - Next -->> FACE (14) 15 - Index 3 27 - attributes_features ? - tolerance 0 - next 0 - previous 25 - Loop 4 - Shell 5 - Surface + - Sense s - Type 0 0 0 0 22 - front_shell -->> ATTRIBUTE (81) 1 27 -- Index 18 28 15 29 0 0 0 30 -->> SHELL (13) 22 - Index 2 0 - attributes_features 0 - Body 0 - Next 0 - Face 0 - Edge 0 - Vertex 8 - Region 15 - Front face (ptr) -->> ATTRIB_DEF (80) 1 28 - Index 31 - next 32 - identifier (ATT_DEF_ID) 8015 - type_id 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 FFFFTFFFFFFFFF2 -->> ATTRIBUTE (81) 2 29 - Index 17 31 - ATTRIB_DEF 15 - owner (FACE) 33 - next (ATTRIBUTE) 27 - previous (ATTRIBUTE) 0 - next_of_type 0 - previous_of_type 34 - fields 35 -->> REAL_VALUES (83) 1 30 - Index 0 - X = 0.0 -->> ATTRIB_DEF (80) 2 31 - Index 36 37 8014 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 FFFFTFFFFFFFFF21 -->> ATTRIBUTE (81) 1 33 - Index 16 38 - ATTRIB_DEF 15 0 29 - Attribute 0 0 39 - XYZ -->> REAL_VALUES (83) 4 - Length 34 - Index 0 0 .749019607843137 .749019607843137 -->> INT_VALUES (82) 1 - Length 3 - Index 5 0 -->> ATTRIB_DEF (80) 1 38 - Index 0 40 8001 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 FFFFTFTFFFFFFF2 -->> REAL_VALUES (83) 3 - Length 39 - Index .749019607843137 .749019607843137 .749019607843137 -->> ATT_DEF_ID (79) 15 40 - Index SDL/TYSA_COLOUR -->> ATT_DEF_ID (79) 21 37 - Index SDL/TYSA_REFLECTIVITY -->> ATT_DEF_ID (79) 21 32 - Index SDL/TYSA_TRANSLUCENCY -->> REGION (19) 16 - Index 8 0 - attributes_features 1 - Body 0 - Next 8 - Previous 4 - Shell S - Type 0 - Owner -->> NURBS_CURVE (136) 19 - Index 3 - Degree 7 - n_vertices 3 - vertex_dim 5 - n_knots 1 - knot_type F - periodic F - closed F - rational 1 - curve_form 41 - bspline_vertices 42 - knot_mult 43 - knots -->> CURVE_DATA (135) 20 - Index 1 0 --> BSPLINE_VERTICES (45) 21 - Length 41 - Index -.0508 0 0 -.0508 .01326915684815806 0 -.0398074705444742 .0398074705444742 0 2442490654175345e-32 .0562962647277629 0 .0398074705444742 .03980747054447425 0 .0508 .01326915684815806 0 .0508 666133814775094e-32 0 -->> KNOT_MULT (127) 5 42 - Index 4 1 1 1 4 -->> KNOT_SET (128) 5 43 - Index 0 1 2 3 4 -->> NURBS_SURFACE (126) 17 - Index F - u_periodic T - v_periodic 3 - u_degree 3 - v_degree 7 -- u_vertices 7 -- v_vertices 1 - u_knot_type 1 - v_knot_type 5 -- u_knots 5 -- v_knots F - Rational (FALSE) F - u_closed (FALSE) T - v_closed (TRUE) 1 -- Surface form 3 -- Vertex dimension (3) 44 -- BSPLINE_VERTICES 45 -- KNOT_MULT 46 -- KNOT_MULT 47 -- KNOT_SET 48 -- KNOT_SET -->> SURFACE_DATA (125) 18 - Index 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 2 DDPPDDPP????0 0 0 0 -->> BSPLINE_VERTICES (45) 147 - Length 44 - Index -.0508 0 0 -.0508 0 0 -.0508 0 0 -.0508 0 0 -.0508 0 0 -.0508 0 0 -.0508 0 0 -.0508 .01326915684815806 0 -.0508 .01326915684815806 -.00663457842407903 -.0508 0 -.0199037352722371 -.0508 -.0199037352722371 0 -.0508 4440892098500625e-33 .0199037352722371 -.0508 .01326915684815806 .00663457842407904 -.0508 .01326915684815806 0 -.0398074705444742 .0398074705444742 0 -.0398074705444742 .0398074705444742 -.0199037352722371 -.0398074705444742 -1332267629550188e-32 -.0597112058167113 -.03980747054447425 -.0597112058167113 2220446049250315e-33 -.03980747054447425 -177635683940025e-31 .0597112058167113 -.03980747054447425 .0398074705444742 .0199037352722371 -.0398074705444742 .0398074705444742 -2220446049250315e-33 2442490654175345e-32 .0562962647277629 0 -666133814775094e-32 .0562962647277629 -.02814813236388145 -666133814775094e-32 4440892098500625e-33 -.0844443970916444 932587340685132e-31 -.0844443970916443 0 865973959207622e-31 35527136788005e-30 .0844443970916444 555111512312578e-31 .0562962647277629 .02814813236388145 2442490654175345e-32 .0562962647277629 -666133814775094e-32 .0398074705444742 .03980747054447425 0 .0398074705444742 .0398074705444742 -.0199037352722371 .0398074705444742 177635683940025e-31 -.0597112058167114 .03980747054447425 -.0597112058167114 4440892098500625e-32 .03980747054447425 -910382880192628e-31 .0597112058167113 .0398074705444742 .0398074705444742 .0199037352722372 .0398074705444742 .03980747054447425 199840144432528e-31 .0508 .01326915684815806 0 .0508 .01326915684815806 -.00663457842407903 .0508 -333066907387547e-32 -.0199037352722371 .0508 -.0199037352722371 -999200722162641e-32 .0508 560662627435704e-31 .0199037352722371 .0508 .01326915684815808 .00663457842407903 .0508 .01326915684815806 0 .0508 228212510617393e- 32 1541976423090495e-33 .0508 228212510617393e-32 1541976423090495e-33 .0508 228212510617393e-32 1541976423090495e-33 .0508 228212510617393e-32 1541976423090495e-33 .0508 228212510617393e-32 1541976423090495e-33 .0508 228212510617393e-32 1541976423090495e-33 .0508 228212510617393e-32 1541976423090495e-33 -->> KNOT_MULT (127) 5 45 - Index 4 1 1 1 4 -->> KNOT_MULT (127) 5 46 - Index 4 1 1 1 4 -->> KNOT_SET (128) 5 47 - Index 0 1 2 3 4 -->> KNOT_SET (128) 5 48 - Index 0 1 2 3 4 -->> POINTER_LIST_BLOCK (74) 20 14 - Index 6 0 0 49 - ATTRIBUTE 12 - ATTRIBUTE 33 - ATTRIBUTE 29 - ATTRIBUTE 27 - ATTRIBUTE 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -->> ATTRIBUTE (81) 1 49 - Index 1 4 50 - definition (Attrib-def) 1 - 0 - owner 12 - Next (attribute ptr) 0 - previous 0 51 - XYZ -->> ATTRIBUTE (81) 1 12 - Index 1 5 52 - definition (Attrib-def) 1 49 - owner 2 0 - previous 0 53 - X = 0 -->> ATTRIB_DEF (80) 1 52 28 54 8041 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 TTTFFFFFFFFFFF2 -->> REAL_VALUES (83) 1 53 - Index 0 - X =0.0 -->> ATT_DEF_ID (79) 23 54 - Index SDL/TYSA_TRANSLUCENCY_2 -->> ATTRIB_DEF (80) 1 50 - Index 38 55 8040 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 TTTFFFFFFFFFFF2 -->> REAL_VALUES (83) 3 - Length 51 - Index .749019607843137 .749019607843137 .749019607843137 -->> ATT_DEF_ID (79) 17 - Length 55 - Index SDL/TYSA_COLOUR_2 -->> ATTRIB_DEF (80) 1 11 - Index 56 57 8017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TTTTTTTTTTTTTF3 -->> CHAR_VALUES (84) 6 - Length 13 - Index Solid1 -->> ATT_DEF_ID (79) 13 57 - Index SDL/TYSA_NAME -->> TERMINATOR (1 0)