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  FAQ: Issues relating to conversions of 'Animation, Mesh Skinning & Skeletons (Bones)'

A major aspect of Okino's PolyTrans software in the DCC market segment is our conversion of animation, skeletons (bones) and mesh skinning. We have much experience in this area of DCC based conversions and some of our internal FAQs are listed below.

1. No bones appear in LightWave from data coming from Maya
2. A Maya skeleton imported into 3ds Max looks odd.
3. Some animation does not appear to export to the .bdf file format from 3ds Max. Why?
4. How do I convert scene data, animation, skinning, skeletons, etc. between 3ds Max and Maya?
5. No animation and/or skinning is converting between 3ds Max and Maya

1. No bones appear in LightWave from data coming from Maya - Top

Bones need to be "skin associated" with mesh data. The customer file in question had bones in Maya being used only for IK. The bones were not attached to any meshes for skinning. LightWave uses bones as children of mesh objects as their deformations.

- Updated: February 16, 2020

2. A Maya skeleton imported into 3ds Max looks odd. - Top

This is all due to perception. In the customer's case, it was due to 3ds Max's clunky "fins and bones" visualizations. You just need to disable the fins or reduce their size and they will look at the same as in Maya (note: this was a one off customer case).

- Updated: February 16, 2020

3. Some animation does not appear to export to the .bdf file format from 3ds Max. Why? - Top

Make the PolyTrans-for-3dsMax utility panel visible then press the "Export Options" button. Click on the "Animation" tab. Now enable the "Use keyframe resampling mode for all animation". This will ensure that all procedural animation, constrained animations, or any non-exportable keyframe controllers will be properly resampled prior to export.

- Updated: February 16, 2020

4. How do I convert scene data, animation, skinning, skeletons, etc. between 3ds Max and Maya? - Top

This is where we've spent a decade or more developing this dedicated bidirectional solution. Please refer to the "PolyTrans Plug-Ins Super Installer". You need to install PolyTrans-for-3dsMax into 3ds Max then PolyTrans-for-Maya into Maya. After that point you just need to exchange Okino .bdf files between these two programs.

Do not use .3ds files or FBX files. The best and highest quality conversions, including proper processing of the animation/skeleton/skinning data, will come from using the Okino .bdf file format.

- Updated: February 16, 2020

5. No animation and/or skinning is converting between 3ds Max and Maya - Top

Make sure you enable the "Skinning" checkbox and all the animation check boxes on the "Import Options" and "Export Options" panels of the PolyTrans-for-3dsMax and PolyTrans-for-Maya plug-in system pop-up panel.

- Updated: February 16, 2020

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