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  FAQ: Lock-up of the FBX and Cinema 4D exporters in Windows 10

An explanation of the Microsoft bug in their "comctl32.dll" file which causes older versions of the Okino FBX and Cinema-4D exporters to lock-up while displaying the "Initializing RCTK Entity List" message.

1. Why do the FBX or Cinema 4D exporters lock up in Windows 10?

1. Why do the FBX or Cinema 4D exporters lock up in Windows 10? - Top

Microsoft has introduced a serious "once in a lifetime" runtime bug into their Windows 10 releases as of January 2019. This is not related to Okino software. The lock-up occurs in a very trivial situation during the output of this status message to a Windows text dialog box control:

"Initializing data for export to CINEMA 4D/FBX"
"Initializing RCTK Entity List"

The lock-up occurs within the Microsoft "comctl32.dll" file which has been changed by Microsoft in their new 'Windows 10 # 1809' build. It occurs when this common control is trying to parse the "carriage return, line feed" (CR/LF) sequence of characters separating those two text lines mentioned above. It happens both in Unicode and ANSI modes so this is a serious bug introduced into this twice-yearly Windows 10 release.

To receive the extended explanation and fix, please send a short email to
- Updated: February 16, 2020

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