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TGV Train Station

This is complex scene of a TGV train station modeled by Isao Nagoaka of DigiArchitecture using Form/Z. The raw polygon model data was exported from Form/Z to NuGraf via multiple 3d data files in the Wavefront format. Once imported, NuGraf's 'Selector Window' was used to quickly organize all the pieces into neatly organized hierarchical groups that could easily be picked and manipulated.

Texture coordinates were then added to specific models. Subsequently, all textures and materials were selected and assigned to the surfaces using NuGraf.

Of particular interest is the point light source which has been placed inside of the train station and which casts shadows through the glass onto the inside-top roof of the building. NOTE: these shadows were not ray traced even though they appear to be so (sharp shadows are typical of a ray tracer); rather, all the shadows were created automatically by 6 shadow maps of resolution 2kx2k.

Copyrights: Isao Nagoaka of DigiArchitecture.