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Fractal Mountains and Jets

Inspired from a fractal picture near the back of Siggraph '88. The mountain is created from 3 overlapping fractals (100,000 polygons) and is texture mapped with a procedural mountain texture (height and slope dependent). The entire scene is enclosed within a sphere onto which is mapped a simple Perlin clouds texture with an appropriate blue color. The sun-shining-through-clouds effect is actually a point light source placed very near to the sphere so that the cloud texture becomes saturated. The water is created from the 'waves' procedural texture which is the sum of 20 point wave sources (uses cycloidal Perlin noise sources uniformly spaced about a unit sphere). The point light source near the 'sun' is placed so it bounces off the water and into the camera to give the water a more natural look. NuGraf's atmospheric mist shader was used to create a low-level mist.